Call for Nominations – ACCE(I) AWARDS 2025
Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (India) with its Headquarters in Bengaluru is a premier professional body of Consulting Civil Engineers; with over 47 Centres spread across the country it has more than 8500+ members on its rolls.
Since 1990, ACCE(I) honors individuals and/or Organizations, for achieving excellence in various domains of Civil Engineering by presenting the ANNUAL ACCE(I) AWARDS. These awards have been instituted by esteemed individuals and organizations in collaboration with ACCE(I) for recognizing excellence in the field of Civil Engineering. The Awards day will also be celebrated as the Foundation Day of our Association.
We invite nominations for the various ACCE(I) Awards as listed under Annexure 1 , hosted on our website:

Sr. No. |
Event |
Date of Reckoning |
01 | Last date for Receipt of Nominations | 20th February 2025 |
02 | Evaluation of Nominations by duly constituted Jury, on or before | 31st March 2025 |
03 | Awards Day Function (Date and venue will be intimated separately) | May/June 2025 |
- Download Nomination Forms and Annexures 1 and 2 from ACCE(I) website :
a) Annexure 1 : List of Awards.
b) Annexure 2 : General Terms & Conditions & Evaluation Methodology - From Annexure -1, select the Awards Category you wish to apply for and click on the specific
Award Category to download the associated Nomination Form along with the details of the
chosen Award Category. - Fill Nomination Form completely with all the relevant details and attachments as
stipulated/asked for. - Please ensure that all the items listed in J. CHECK LIST, included in the Nomination Form, are
provided with the Nomination submission and that all boxes are ticked (Y or ). - Please ensure that TWO (2) sets of the Nomination Form, together with all the attachments,
are submitted as Soft Copies on separate pen drives, and reach the ACCE(I) office on or
before the Last Date for Receipt of Nominations mentioned in (A) above. - Please read carefully the contents of Annexure 2: General Terms & Conditions & Evaluation Methodology as well as the Instructions contained in the Nomination Form and provide all the information/details asked for so that your Nomination is complete in all respects.
We look forward to your enthusiastic participation in ACCE(I) AWARDS 2025. Please contact the
Chairman, Awards Committee and/or the Awards Coordinator for any queries or clarifications relating
to the Awards.
Thanking you,
With warm regards,
Dr. Sandeep Shirkhedkar
Chairman Awards Committee
1. Chairman – Awards Committee : Er. Sandeep Shirkhedkar, Nagpur
Email: Mobile: 9657002328
2. Awards Coordinator : Er. B S C Rao, Bangalore
Email: Mobile: 9880550660
To give recognition to the Civil Engineering Consultants, Organisations and students, ACCE (I) has instituted awards which are presented every year during the Foundation Day Celebrations. These awards are instituted by the generous contributions by made by the Donors.
Click below links to get nomination forms under relevant award category and guidelines for the ACCE(I) Awards
- ACCE(I) – BHAGWATI AWARD 2025 for Outstanding Design of Industrial Plant/Structure using Special/Advanced/Innovative Techniques. Factories, Manufacturing/Fabrication/Assembly Facilities, Chemical Plants, Refineries, Thermal/Nuclear Power Generation Plants, Food Processing Plants, etc.
- ACCE(I) -SIMPLEX AWARD 2025 Innovative Design of Structure Other than Industrial Structure. Chimneys, Towers including Cooling/TV/Radio/Power Transmission Towers, Special Structures, Silos, Bunkers, Trusses,
Pipe Racks and enabling/ancillary structures, Offshore Structures, Ocean Structures, etc. - ACCE(I)-L&T ENDOWMENT AWARD 2025 for Excellence in Construction of Industrial Structure Manufacturing/Assembly Facilities, Factories, Chemical/Processing Plants, Refineries, Thermal/Nuclear Power Plants, industrial Sheds, Bunkers and similar
- ACCE(I)-BILLIMORIA AWARD 2025 for Excellence in Construction of High Rise Building
- ACCE(I)-SOMDATT AWARD 2025 for Excellence in Construction of Highway Project.
- ACCE(I)-SARVAMANGALA AWARD 2025 for Excellence in Construction of projects other than Industrial, Highrised and Highway. Cooling/Communication/TV/Transmission Towers, Chimneys, Bridges Special/Monumental Structures, Earth Structures/Retaining Walls/Slope Stabilisation, Silos, Barrages/Weirs (excluding Dams)/River Training Works, Offshore /Ocean structures/Immersed Tube Tunnels,
- ACCE(I)-NAGADI AWARD 2025 for Best Book in Civil Engineering (Useful to Consultants) published in India by an Indian Author
- ACCE(I)-INSWAREB AWARD 2025 for Effective Use of Pozolona or Blended Cements in Design & Construction of Civil Engineering Projects
- ACCE(I)-JMC AWARD 2025 for Best Construction by Budding Company of India (less than 5 years old)
- ACCE(I)-GAMMON AWARD 2025 for Effective use of Materials & Systems in Construction Resulting in National Savings
- ACCE(I)-L&T FORMWORK AWARD 2025 for Best Use of Formwork resulting in outstanding structures.
- ACCE(I)-Er. P T MASE MEMORIAL AWARD 2025 for Innovative Structural Design by an Upcoming Structural Designer not more than 35 years old (as on 1-03-2025) and not more than 5 years of professional practice as on 20-02-2025
- ACCE(I)-MEGH STEELS AWARD 2025 for Excellence in the use of Hollow Sections in Steel Structures
- ACCE(I)-SHIRODE YASHODEEP AWARD 2025 for a person from the field of engineering, preferably, civil engineering, and not less than 50 years old as on 01-03-2025, who has come up in his/her career from adverse circumstances and has achieved excellence through sheer hard work. and intelligence.
- ACCE(I) – ASPSDI ‘ Care for Earth’ Award 2025 Implementing Sustainable Design Principles contributing to Carbon Footprint Reduction
- ACCE (I) – SCEBA. MaPs Young Eminent Engineer Award 2025 : For a Young Indian Engineer working in India, not more than 49 years old, who has made outstanding contributions in the construction industry
- ACCE(I)-GOURAV AWARD 2025 for Significant Contributions to Civil Engineering\Profession by a Civil Engineer in India. This is in the nature of a Lifetime Achievement Award conferred on a senior Indian Civil Engineer who is 65 years or older with professional experience of 40 years or more as on 01-03-2025. Self-Nomination is not allowed.
- Individuals/Firms offering Civil Engineering Consultancy Services in the domain of
i. Planning and Design – Structural, Plumbing, Ground Engineering, Foundation, etc.,
ii. Project Management, Safety, Health, Environment, etc.,
iii. Repair, Rehabilitation, Structural Health Monitoring, etc.,
iv. Construction – Construction Management, construction techniques, formwork/shoring, etc.,
v. Development- Green and Brown field projects, Housing, Infrastructure, etc.,
vi. Quality – Testing, Certification, Quality Assurance, Quality Control etc.
vii. Development and Use of Construction Materials/Chemicals/Admixtures etc. - Computer Software Developers
- Indian Authors of technical books, monographs, handbooks, ready reckoners, etc., published in India
- Civil Engineers who have risen in the profession, including from adverse circumstances, achieved recognition/eminence, made notable contributions to the Profession and Society.
- Nominations will be accepted only for those Works/Projects which have been completed within three (or two) years prior to the last date for submission 20-02-2025, as specified for each Award category. Nominations for Works/Projects which are older than specified above (except for those which have been carried over into the current year, vide Cl. 2M), or which are still under construction, will not be accepted.
- Nominations will be accepted only from Indian nationals and from Companies/Firms incorporated in India for works executed only within the geographical boundaries of India.
- The Owner/Client who, as a Purchaser of Services, has commissioned a Project cannot submit a Nomination of that Project as a Nominee.
- The Sponsor of an Award cannot submit a Nomination for its own Award Category No Nomination of a Project executed by the Sponsor can be submitted by the Sponsor, or by anyone on behalf of the Sponsor, for an ACCE(I) Award which the Sponsor has itself instituted, as this would be unethical and a conflict of interest. For example: No Nomination can be submitted by L&T Ltd., or by any of its Group companies, or by any other agency (eg. an Individual, subcontractor, Vendor etc.) on behalf of L&T for either an ACCE(I)- L&T Endowment Award or ACCE(I)-L&T Formwork Award.
A. List of ACCE(I) Awards 2025 is given in the attached Annexure 1
B. Download Nomination Forms from the ACCE(I) website – .
C. Fill the downloaded Nomination Form completely in all respects, answering all questions and giving concisely relevant and specific details for information sought.
D. Additional information to supplement/support the claim for the award, can be submitted along with the application form as an Annexure. All such information, so provided shall pertain only to the Subject of the Nomination. Please DO NOT submit items such as publicity brochures, experience records/list of projects executed, annual reports and similar which have no relevance to the subject of the Award category.
E. Please provide Project Completion and other relevant certificates from the end user/Client to substantiate any disclosures/claims made in the Nomination Form.
F. The Nomination Form and all the information asked for and submitted, including drawings, photographs and sketches shall be soft copies in the Portable Document Format (PDF) only. TWO (2) copies of the Nomination Form and ALL its attachments shall be submitted on separate pen-drives
G. All sources of information, including Copyrighted information, shall be duly referenced and acknowledged by the Applicant and, if required, supported by documented permission from the owner of the copyright.
H. If any information/details provided by the Applicant in respect of a submitted Nomination is found to be false or misrepresented, then the concerned Nomination shall be summarily rejected.
I. Separate Nominations shall be made for different Works/Projects carried out by the same Individual/Firm /Organization for different Awards categories, if eligible
J. The same Work/Project can be nominated for more than one Award, by the same entity or by different entities, provided they satisfy the stipulated conditions for each Award. However, Nominations shall be made separately for each Award. However, in the interest of fairness and equity, any Project that wins an Award in more than one category, will be given an Award ONLY in ONE category, as decided by the Awards Committee. So, if Company A submits a Project in Categories I, II and III and the Project wins in, say, all three Categories then, at the discretion of the Awards Committee, that entry will be given an Award in only ONE of the three categories. The decision of the Awards Committee shall be final and binding.
K. When there is more than one component (eg. multiple buildings) associated with a particular Work/Project, there shall be only one Nomination submitted encompassing the entire work and the same shall not be split into components. However, the Project can be individually and separately nominated for other Awards, as relevant, as stated in Para. J above.
L. Carry Over of Nominations :
i. For a particular Award Category, if (a) only one Nomination is received, or (b) multiple Nominations are received only from one Company, then those Nominations will be evaluated in the current year, and the single Nomination/the winning Entry (in the case of (b)) will be carried over under the same category to the following year. In such a case, the limitation specified in Cl. 1 E above shall be relaxed by one year.
ii. The Nominations of the first and second runners up from the current year for any Award will be carried over automatically and considered again for the same Award in the following year.
M. Re-Nomination:
i. If a Nomination of a Work/Project was made previously for an Award, but did not win the Award, then the same Work/Project can be re-nominated, supplemented with additional information, provided the limitation specified in Cl.1 E above is satisfied.
ii. Re-Nomination of a Work/Project which has previously won any ACCE(I) Award is not allowed even in a different Award category.
A. Canvassing in any form will lead to disqualification of the Nomination.
B. Nominations received after the last date for submission shall not be considered for evaluation.
C. Partly filled or incomplete Nomination forms shall be disqualified at the scrutiny stage itself.
D. The Awards Committee reserves the right to visit, if considered necessary for verification/clarification, the place of Works/Project under Nomination. In such a case the Nominee/Applicant shall provide/bear the cost of travel of the person(s) deputed by the Committee for this purpose by Air/Train (First Class) or road travel, as the case may be, as well as of local hospitality (board/lodging/local travel). Time cost of travel and inspection by the deputed Committee member need not be compensated by the Nominee/Applicant
E. Submission of Nomination by Sub-Contractors/Vendors/Outsourced personnel will also be considered provided, the submission is certified by the Main Vendor, through a letter of relinquishment of claim for the Award, if nominated.
F. Company Brochures/Individual profiles, do not constitute the additional information sought about the Work/Project.
G. For Work/Project with multiple Parties/Companies involved, only the Principal Consultant/Main Contractor shall be the Applicant. The Award is given only to recognize the efforts of the engineer/ designer/consultant/constructor of the Project. The Client/Owner, who is the Purchaser of the Work/Project, cannot itself be the Applicant/Nominee.
H. ACCE(I) reserves the right to reject any Nomination, without explanation, if in the opinion of the Awards Jury, the Nomination does not meet the requirements specified in the Nomination Form.
I. Nominations submitted for ACCE(I) awards need no support, recommendation or certification from any member of the Association.
J. The Award, when won by a Nomination received from an Organization/Firm, will be given in the name of the Organization/Firm and not in the name of any Individual representing the Organization/Firm, except in the case of the PT Mase Award, the Shirode-Yashodeep Award and the SCEBA-MaPS Award which are instituted specifically to honour individuals.
K. ACCE(I) reserves the right to shift a Nomination for an Award from the applied category to any other suitable Award category, for which it is better suited as the Awards Committee may deem appropriate, with no intimation to the Nominee/Applicant.
A. Awards Committee: An Awards Committee, constituted by the Association and comprising a Jury of senior members of ACCE(I) and industry experts, will scrutinize and evaluate all accepted Nominations received for all Awards as per the “General Criteria for Evaluation of Nominations” which is included in every Nomination Form.
B. Evaluation Marking : The Evaluations of Nominations will be carried out on the basis of marks assigned to different criteria, depending on the subject of the Award, totaling 100 marks, as listed in the “Basis of Evaluation Marking” which is included in every Nomination Form. Every Nomination is independently evaluated and marks given and totaled by each Jury member of the Awards Committee. The average of the totaled marks of all the Jury members for any Nomination is taken as the marks obtained by that Nomination. The Nomination that receives the highest marks will be the winner for that Award category.
C. Minimum Standards The Awards Jury, reserves the right to set a Minimum Standard of marks for an Award category. In the event that all the Nominations received for any Award Category fail to meet the minimum standards/expectations of the Awards Committee then ACCE(I) reserves the right, without notice, not to confer the Award on any of the received Nominations and to remove the Award from the List of Awards for the year under consideration.
D. Detailed Note : The Evaluation Marking will rely quite heavily on the Detailed Note which is required to be submitted by the Applicant with every Award Nomination. The Detailed Note will need to highlight and bring out how the special features of the nominated entry/project fulfill and satisfy the Evaluation Criteria specified for each Award, to justify why the Applicant feels that the nominated entry deserves the Award. Hence it is in the Applicant’s interest to prepare the Detailed Note carefully and comprehensively to address the points listed in the Evaluation Criteria and the Evaluation Marking.
E. Additional Information: The Awards Committee may seek additional information/data/clarifications, if required, for a particular nomination, which the Applicant will have to provide within the given time period. If the Applicant fails to provide the required information within the given time, his Nomination will be evaluated, with no further notice, on the basis of the details/information given in the Nomination Form and the Applicant/Nominee shall have no right to make subsequent claims against the evaluation or the Awards Committee.
F. Awards Night and ACCE(I) Foundation Day Celebrations The Awards, each of which will comprise a Citation, will be presented to the Award Winners on the ACCE(I) Awards Night which is arranged concurrently with ACCE(I)’s Foundation Day Celebrations which are held each year in a different city usually during May or June.
G. Presentation by Award Winners: Upon conclusion of the evaluation the Award winners will be informed by email and/or post and some, or all, of the Award winners may be invited to make a short presentation, not exceeding ten minutes, on their winning entries before the Awards Committee and the audience during the Awards Night Function. The number of Winners invited to make presentations and the time allotted for each Presentation will be at the sole discretion of ACCE(I), depending on the number of winners and the available time. Each Winner shall submit a short video of not more than TWO minutes giving salient details of project, which will be projected during the Award Presentation ceremony.
H. Hospitality by ACCE(I) on Awards Night ACCE(I) will take care of basic hospitality during the Awards Distribution Function at the venue of the Awards Night. Award winners and/or their representatives/ companions shall make their own arrangements at their cost for travel to the Awards venue, local travel, boarding and lodging etc.
Applicants are requested to contact, preferably by email, the Chairman, Awards Committee, and/or then Awards Coordinator, for any queries or clarifications regarding the Awards, the Nomination criteria or any other matter concerning the same. Emails shall be copied to the Chairman, Awards Committee, the Awards Coordinator and the Manager, ACCE(I) to ensure that every enquiry receives a response.
1. Chairman – Awards Committee : Er. Sandeep Shirkhedkar
Email: Mobile: 9657002328
2. Awards Coordinator : Er. B S C Rao Email: Mobile: 9880550660
3. Manager, ACCE(I) : Mr. S D Anne Gowda Email: Tel: 080-26770365,
Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (India), A-21, A Block, 2nd Floor, Brigade MM Industrial
Complex, K R Road, Near Yediyur Circle, Bangalore – 560 070.