National Seminar and Exhibition on
Recent Developments In Design and Construction Technologies
Urban Challenges and Civil Engineering Opportunities
A CPD Accredited Programme on 27th and 28th February 2020 at NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bengaluru-560 029
The theme is “Urban Challenges and Civil Engineering Opportunities”. REDECON-2020 attempts to address various present day challenges of serious concern to society such as Water, Solid Waste Management, Climate Change, Statutory requirements related to Housing & related Industries, Latest Technological Developments especially in the field of Artificial Intelligence, IoT, BIM etc., which can form a decisive tool to transcend impediments and provide effective solutions to the Urban and Civil Engineering Challenges.
Topics include the following
- Water management in urban areas
- Urban flooding – converting threat to benefit
- SolidWaste Management – solution to success
- Climate change related to Civil Engineering – Past, Present, Future
- Digital Technology in Civil Engineering, IoT, Ai, BIM in Civil Engineering
- Construction Industry Technology drivers, Automation and Mechanisation in Construction
- Bye-laws and accountability
- Outsourcing for effective solutions to Civic-Civil Engineering Problems
- Construction Failures, Case Studies