Election of Office Bearers to the Governing Council ACCE(I) Head Quarters 2019-2021


The Governing Council of Association of Civil Engineers (India) at its meeting held at Mysore on 18th-Jan-2019 had decided that the AGM-2019 will be held as per EXISTING BYE LAWS OF ACCE(I) in June/July 2019.

The Governing Council has authorized the Secretary General to ensure that the process of election 2019-2021 is completed well before the date of AGM.

Mr. R Srinivasan Senior Member has accordingly been appointed Polling/Returning Officer for the Election 2019-2021

Notice is hereby giving to all members of the Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (India) that the Elections 2019-2021 will be conducted by postal ballot according to the time schedule indicated below:

Sr.No.ParticularsDate & Time
1Last Date of receipt of Nominations Monday 11-March-2019 5:00 PM
2Scrutiny of Nominations and circulation of list of contestant to the Contestant (If there is a contestant)Friday 15-March-2019 11:00 AM
3Last Date of withdrawal of nominations Wednesday 20-March-2019 5:00 PM
4Last Date of Dispatch of Ballot Papers (If there is a contestant)Monday 8-April-2019 2:00 PM
5Last Date of receipt of BallotsWednesday 15-May-2019 5:00 PM
6Counting of BallotsSaturday 18-May-2019 10:00 AM
7Declaration of ResultsSaturday 18-May-2019 1:00 PM

The electorate will be the valid members of the Association, whose subscription for the period up to March-2019 is paid in full.

The following categories of Membership are not elgible for casting votes 4.5 of the Existing Bye Laws.

  • Honorary Fellow Members
  • Associate Members
  • Student Members

The list of all Eligible Members region wise is made available to respective Centers.

The election shall be conducted to fill the following post for the term 2019-2021.

Sr. No.ParticularsNo of PostsElected By
1President1To be elected by all eligible members
2Vice President4One from each region to be elected by eligible members for four Regions Viz. (North, East, West, South)
3Secretary General1From the area of registered Office of Association ONLY (namely Bangalore city) to be elected by all eligible members
4Treasurer1From the area of registered Office of Association ONLY (namely Bangalore city) to be elected by all eligible members

Nomination will be filled in the Proforma downloaded from the web site using separate form for each post. On notification of contesting candidate in full, withdrawals by due date are permitted. Please see below “DOWNLOADS:” links at the bottom of the page.

Receipt of nominations papers shall be put in a cover and superscribed “NOMINATION FOR ACCE(I) HQ-ELECTIONS 2019-2021” and sent to the Returning/Polling Officer so as to reach him not later than 05:00 PM on Monday, 11-March-2019.

Place: Bangalore
Date: 11-Feb-2019

Returning /Polling Officer,
ACCE(I) Elections 2019-2021

P. S. If Members wish to table any resolution at AGM-2019, notice may please be given and Resolution made available to the Secretary General before 31st May 2019 duly proposed and Seconded to enable circulation in advance of AGM-2019.


  1. Please read the extract from the Existing BYE LAWS of ACCE(I) before filling nominations.
  2. As a GREEN INITIATIVE, t avoid printing and posting, Nominations Forms and Extracts from Existing BYE LAWS of ACCE(I) can be downloaded from the ACCE(I) official Website: WWW.ACCE.IN
  3. If any members has any objections to the GREEN INITIATIVE, Kindly reply to the RPO on or before 25-Feb-2019 so that hard copy of the nomination forms can be posted to them.


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