Part 1: Schedule of Election
The Governing Council of Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (India) at its meeting held at Mysore on 3rd February has decided that AGM 2023 will be held as per the BYELAWS of ACCE(I) in July/August 2023.
The Governing Council has authorized the Secretary General to ensure that the process for ACCE(I) HQ and ACCE(I) CENTER’S ELECTION 2023-2025 is completed well before 26th April 2023.
To download Notice, Nomination forms, Extracts of Byelaws & Rules
click the links below.
part 2: ACCE(I) Election Contesting Candidates

Part 3: Procedure for ACCE (I) Online Voting
Please read below instructions and click Vote Now link below:
- Please Visit and click on ELECTIONS Tab to open Election Page.
- On Election page you will find ‘Schedule of Election’, ‘Candidate Profile’ and ‘Voting Procedure’ as first three titles. Please note that only list of contesting Candidates will appear under candidate profile.
- Please go through the Contestant’s Profile
- On the Same page scroll down to read through the VOTING PROCEDURE. After Reading the voting procedure clicking on “Go to Voting button“, you will be redirected to E -Voting page.
- Once you are on E – Voting page, follow the instructions as under:
- E -Voting page will ask your ACCE(I) membership No. for List of Eligible members and
Membership numbers please check Part 4. - Enter your membership No. without any space or hypen before the letter (Example: 143F). In case your membership number has prefixed zeros, type only the number & Alphabet (Example: 002F=2F; 012F=12F). Any wrong input here will not be recognized and you will not be able to proceed further.
- After entering the membership number, an OTP will be sent to your email id & mobile number that is already registered with ACCE(I).
- You will receive a 5-digit OTP in your registered email & mobile. Enter the OTP in your login screen and click on sign -in button.
(i) Wait for one or two minutes for OTP
(ii) If OTP is not received in mobile or email then check in the spam folder of your mailbox.
(iii) If not found in the spam press ‘resend the OTP’ from the member login screen. You cannot input OTP more than three times. No re-voting option available after 03 OTP inputs. - After sign -in you will be redirected to online ballot page (voting page)
- On that page, you will get ACCE(I) HQ Ballot and respective ACCE(I) Centre ballot
- You can now vote for the candidate for your choice.
- Before confirming your vote, you will also get an alert: Are you sure? Click on Yes.
- After the voting is completed the data will be stored in the secured backend.
- Finally, click on the logout button on the top – right corner.
- As per clause “ The IP address for this online voting shall be captured and it shall be strictly observed that not more than two votes are cast from the same IP address”.
NOTE: Only IP address will be captured, the rest of the clause will not be applicable for this election due to technical reasons.
1.6.2 The HQ/Centre shall not be held responsible for non-receipt of its communications by any Member concerned has provided an incorrect address or not updated his latest address earlier.
PART 4: ACCE(I) List of Eligible Members To Vote
List of eligible members centerwise participate in the ACCE(I) HQ & ACCE(I) CENTRES ELECTIONS FOR THE YEAR 2023-2025
(List of members approved up to 10th February 2023 names were included)